Business Male 01 Modular Manual

Hello and thank you for purchasing this asset. In this manual you can find technical details and explanation to some Unreal Engine 5 features which will help you to integrate this asset in your project.


This character is built on top of the standard male mannequin Unreal Engine 5 skeleton, carrying the same proportions and bone structure. Base model which you also get with a pack is made with cross-compatibility between packs in mind.

You can take a look at BP_PreviewPawn which is located in Blueprints folder to see an example integration. Other blueprint, BP_ML_BusinessMan01_Cosmetic is made in mind with an easy integration into the Lyra Sample.

Model is split into parts for easy swapping between them when building a custom character.
Base model looks like that:
List of all of the available slots by design:
(Example is from the other character, they carry the same structure)
Of course you can more/fewer parts if you so desire.

There are 2 pre-assembled characters for you to try in case you don't want to mess with the parts:

Animation system overview

This character runs on the expanded UE5 skeleton with additional bones. You have an option to live retarget any UE5 Mannequin animation to it using RTG_MannyToML IK Retargeter located in /Rigs folder.

However, custom skeleton can play default animations just fine. Animation sharing between skeletons is enabled using Compatible Skeletons feature.

To access this feature go to the skeleton asset:
And click Window - Asset Details.
In the window that appeared you wanna select the skeletons you want to share animations between
Same has to be done other way around. Now you can access default SK_Mannequin animations on our character skeleton.
Please note, this will work only for the skeletons with the same underlying hierarchy.

For now lets take a look at what happens in the BP_PreviewPawn.

As a base animation it uses regular Mannequin skeleton with no mesh attached, just like it is done in the Lyra sample and default Third Person anim BP. You could run any animation system you want here, ALS v4 for example, Lyra animation system, anything from marketplace, or custom built one, it doesn't directly interact with our skeleton.

One step down from there is the invisible character as well, but this is the actual skeleton of our model:
Thats where live retargeting happens. Imagines provided for illustration purposes, actual name of our skeleton here is SKM_ML_Character

Last portion of breakdown is the parts themselves, they're simply attached using Set Master Pose Component function in the Construction Script.
Feel free to just swap any of the parts, it will work just fine.

Optionally you could merge the meshes here at runtime to reduce draw calls, but the function will have to be exposed using C++. You can read more about various ways of working with modular characters here on  Unreal Docs .

Also, there's a little node which handles the offset of the character, you need to enable it and specify the offset for anything custom:
What is does is sends a message over to the animBP to put an offset in the control rig. IK is handled by the control rig and without this little piece of blueprints shoes would always clip in the ground. You want to turn it off whenever you don't need the offset anymore.

How-to retarget guide

If you want to bake your animation assets to this pack's custom skeleton you need to do following.
Select the animation you want to retarget, right click and select Retarget Animation Assets - Duplicate and Retarget Animation Assets.

Select the source model (has to be UE5 skeleton, otherwise you'd have to set up IK retargeter yourself), select target model which matches your desired base skeleton. In this case I've selected one with high heels and no dynamic bones:

Type in all the options you want and click Retarget.

IK Retargeter window looks like that:
It uses default IK_Mannequin IKRig asset. Sometimes Unreal may have a bug with dynamic bones so I suggest you not giving it an option to mess with them. It will be fine, just retarget your animation with the version of the model which doesn't have them.


I anticipate some questions based on the other pack I've developed.

Is there a female counterpart to this?

Yes, there is:

Any way to use it with Unreal Engine 4.x

Not really, it is relies on the new features a lot. If you want to do the work - sure. Otherwise, not really.

Is there facial animation?

Yes, there are ARKit blendshapes. Write me an email if you need access to the facial rig in Maya, or want face redone with the bones. That will cost extra tho.

I need source files, any way to get them?

Write me an email.

Is there any more packs?

Check out this one:
And this one:

I get blurry textures and memory error

Of course you do, a lot of textures here are 2k. Downscale the textures, or increase video memory pool size by doing something like r.Streaming.PoolSize 3000

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